Social Europe vs. Competitive Europe Is a Fool’s Choice
A competitive Europe needs a social Europe; the latter cannot exist without the former
French Unions protesters in Paris on 13 October 2023
By pursuing a generous social policy, Europe is losing economic competitiveness. This commonly held opinion has much truth to it. However, cohesion must not be pitted against competitiveness. A competitive Europe needs a social Europe; the latter cannot exist without the former. Both require a major overhaul and a new comingling. The latter will be particularly difficult. Otherwise, however, we cannot defend European values and our way of life, which is worth fighting for.
Social Europe Is Still Going Strong But...
According to many, social Europe is the “culprit” behind the decline in competitiveness and productivity, as well as stagnation of the European economy. Its underpinning principles of social justice, interventionism and an institutionalised system of collective bargaining between state, labour and capital are being challenged by many as archaic and harmful. There are calls for their thorough revision, with the ultimate aim of ensuring their annulment.