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Data publikacji: 2021-12-01

Leveraging system efficiency

The pandemic, which has lasted for almost two years, has highlighted the importance of partnerships that allow for the development of solutions that respond to emerging urgent health care needs. We do not need to look far for examples of such partnerships, as they have facilitated the development of vaccines and drugs to fight COVID-19.

COVID-19 has been a wake-up call for all of us, bringing into focus the importance of healthcare and the limitations and failings of our current approach. We need to use this opportunity – to see COVID-19 as a catalyst for change. We have come together and want to collaborate for a better future.

To create truly groundbreaking solutions that will significantly improve the quality of patient care and treatment, we need to seek pioneering solutions. The Warsaw Health Innovation Hub (WHIH) is just such an initiative. This biotechnology hub, created with the Medical Research Agency and private entities, is a space for incubating much needed innovations. I believe that the initiative will unleash the potential of company researchers, thus accelerating the implementation of many vital solutions in the healthcare sector, as well as improving the quality of existing services.

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