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Data publikacji: 2023-09-25

Safe 2% Loans Boost the Credit and Housing Market

“The new programme has influenced the mortgage loan market, giving hope for a re-boost of new flat sales. The product has proven a perfect match for customer and banker expectations, the latter looking forward to an economic growth impulse”, such had been the conclusion of participants of a debate organised by the DGP daily during the 2023 Krynica Economic Forum.

The “Housing Investments in Poland: Safe 2% Loan and Housing Accounts – Benefits and Challenges” discussion panel brought together management board representatives of three banks who found themselves in the first wave of loan-granting institutions pursuant to a government programme addressing individuals under 45 years of age – first-time homeowners. Deputy CEOs for: PKO Bank Polski Maciej Brzozowski, Alior Bank Rafał Litwińczuk, and Bank PeKaO SA Wojciech Werochowski were in agreement that the programme turned out to be a perfect match for target group expectations.

Credit Boom

“When announcing our strategy in December last year, unaware that a programme such as ‘Bezpieczny kredyt 2%’ (Safe 2% Loan) would be launched, we were clear about our intent to attract as many young customers as possible. This is why the initiative turned out to be a great fit for our strategy. It goes without saying that the programme has been a huge success, as proven by the loan demand having surpassed all forecasts. It gives us great joy to watch the current developments”, said Maciej Brzozowski, “we were counting on high demand. It is with great pleasure that we shall continue delivering the programme, providing young people with loans in the hope they will stay with us for years”, he added.

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