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Data publikacji: 2023-09-25

Bloomberg Media: The Investors Appreciate Innovation in Poland

The benefits associated with digitisation are most important for global foreign investors. For those interested in investing their capital in Poland, key considerations include the opportunities presented by technology and innovation.

Foreign investments were the leitmotif of a thematic path proposed during the 2023 Krynica Economic Forum by the DGP daily.

In an opening intervention for a series of interviews and discussions, during a live broadcast from Dubai, Guy Douetil – managing director at Hickey and Associates, advisor to largest global investors – spoke of key current trends in foreign direct investments. In his opinion, current investor choices in the wake of recent changes are affected by such factors as war in Ukraine, geopolitical adjustments, ESG notions, logistic issues, natural threats, staff shortages, incentive wars, and energy supply-related matters.

Konsultanci pracują od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach 8:00 - 17:00