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Data publikacji: 2023-09-25

Post-Pandemic Reality Favourable for Poland

“Poland is ready to absorb sizeable foreign investments, their influx dependent on the economy’s capacity, an attribute that has grown significantly on our market”, says Paweł Kurtasz, CEO of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency.

Which key trends do you consider noteworthy in terms of foreign direct investment influx into Poland?

We are currently witnessing three processes crucial to foreign equity’s interest in Poland. Firstly, we have to consider post-pandemic reality outcomes, i.e. intensified nearshoring. Investors have found that geographical distancing impacts the cost of logistics as well as supply chain safety.

The next stage involved geopolitics, a dynamic from business for the past thirty years. After war in Ukraine had broken out, everyone – entrepreneurs and the general public – realised how important official state sympathies are. This factor contributed to intensified nearshoring, a process duly dubbed “friendshoring”. Holding manufacturing assets in countries accessible without interruption, geopolitical turbulence regardless, has become particularly significant.

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