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Postanowienie Trybunału Sprawiedliwości z dnia 17 lipca 2023 r. Puma SE przeciwko Urzędowi Unii Europejskiej ds. Własności Intelektualnej., sygn. C-145/23 P

 ORDER OF THE COURT (Chamber determining whether appeals may proceed)

17 July 2023 (*1)

(Appeal – EU trade mark – Determination as to whether appeals should be allowed to proceed – Article 170b of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice – Request failing to demonstrate that an issue is significant with respect to the unity, consistency or development of EU law – Refusal to allow the appeal to proceed)

In Case C‑145/23 P,

APPEAL under Article 56 of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union, brought on 10 March 2023,

Puma SE, established in Herzogenaurach (Germany), represented by M. Schunke and P. Trieb, Rechtsanwälte,


the other parties to the proceedings being:

European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO),

defendant at first instance,

DN Solutions Co. Ltd., formerly Doosan Machine Tools Co. Ltd., established in Seongsan-gu, Changwon-si (South Korea),

intervener at first instance,

THE COURT (Chamber determining whether appeals may proceed)

composed of L. Bay Larsen, Vice-President of the Court, D. Gratsias and M. Ilešič (Rapporteur), Judges,

Registrar: A. Calot Escobar,

having regard to the proposal from the Judge-Rapporteur and after hearing the Advocate General, L. Medina,

makes the following



By its appeal, Puma SE asks the Court of Justice to set aside the judgment of the General Court of the European Union of 21 December 2022, Puma v EUIPO – DN Solutions (PUMA) (, ; ‘the judgment under appeal’), by which the General Court dismissed its action for annulment of the decision of the First Board of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) of 28 October 2021 (Case R 1677/2020‑1), relating to opposition proceedings between Puma SE and DN Solutions Co. Ltd., formerly Doosan Machine Tools Co. Ltd.

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